Encouraging One Another May Not Change The Whole World, But It Might Just Change Someone Else’s World
Kindness, compassion, and encouragement are some of the most valuable things we possess that can freely be passed to someone else. Unlike time and material treasures, which are finite assets, the act of being kind and compassionate is readily available for us to give away at any time and in any place. What’s even more amazing is the fact that these emotional assets have the ability to increase in abundance not only in our lives but also in the lives of others the more often we give them away.
Every time we show kindness, compassion, and encouragement to another person, we are putting forth positive energy into the world which has the potential of exponentially increasing when others who have received your kindness pay it forward. This universal ripple effect will, in turn, create a wave of acts of kindness. One small act of kindness or one small bit of encouragement, no matter how insignificant you think it is, can create big and lasting results.
It has often been said that we may never know what someone else is going through or know which person needs to hear that they matter, but your taking the time to give genuine words of encouragement may be the seed that once planted is exactly what another person needs to help them grow to their full potential. For some people in this world, your single personal act of kindness may be the only nice thing that has happened to them that day. The compassion you lend may be the emotional blanket that a hurting soul needs to shield themselves from the internal angst they are going through. Being concerned and reaching out may be the one thing that keeps another person from doing something terribly regrettable.
So as you go about your ordinary day, take the time to notice those around you and be bold enough to encourage someone who needs a little bit of encouragement. Be kind to those who need kindness the most. Be compassionate, because we are all human and make mistakes and want others to show us grace and mercy. When you do this, you will soon find that one simple act on your part will be seen as extraordinary to the person receiving it.
For those reading this, if you need a little encouragement to get you through whatever you are going through, I want you to know that you are valuable, you matter, and your presence makes a difference. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.
Drop me a comment or relay a story about how your encouragement has helped someone else, or how someone’s encouragement helped to change your life.
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