Words of Wisdom To Help You Get Through The Overwhelming Moments In Life
There will be days when you feel invincible and are on top of your game, slaying your goals and quickly ticking off items on your to do list. It is during these times that you will feel like the Rockstar goddess that you are, that there is no stopping you from achieving whatever it is you want to achieve.
Then there will be the days when you feel overwhelmed and wonder how you will ever get through it all. This usually happens when we are so busy taking on more and more because we are accomplishing so much already, that what is one more task, one more volunteer assignment, one more home improvement project? Hey we are Rockstars, we are invincible, remember?
However, even the strongest, most confident people have moments where they feel overwhelmed and despair starts to creep in. The feeling of drowning in a sea of projects and a list of to do items that are a mile long can leave one wanting to just run away from it all.
For some of us, these periods in our life seem like there is no way out, like we are running out of time and that all the unfinished work will never get done and we are going to miss important deadlines. For others, these feelings stem from the fact that we end up taking on way too much and have a hard time saying no and end up overscheduling ourselves beyond what is humanly possible.
This is life. The reality is we will experience the highs of confidence where everything is working the way it should, and we will also experience the dark and overwhelming times when we feel that nothing is ever going right and nothing is getting done. We tend to feel the most overwhelmed in our lives when all of our responsibilities seem to converge at the the same time, leaving us exhausted and anxiety ridden trying to figure out how to accomplish everything that needs to get done. Those times are when we need to take a time out, reassess our list of critical projects and determine which ones can wait, and learn to ask for help.
Far too many people, especially woman, feel that asking for help is a sign of weakness. This is far from the truth. Recognizing that you have too much on your plate and knowing when and who to ask for help is actually a sign of strength. You have to be confident in yourself to have the courage to reach out and share your burden.
The thing to remember is your strength and confidence is grown during the moments when you may fear the most despair. The struggle to balance it all and learning what is important and has to be done, as opposed to what you wish you can do at that time but can wait, is where you will get yourself back on track.
Taking time to step back and reassess your situation will give you greater clarity so that you can see the path you need to take to become the Rockstar you really are. Remember not to be too hard on yourself. You are human, and you are entitled to feel both invincible and overwhelmed at different times in your life. Just be confident enough to know when you’ve reached your ability to take on more and say no to additional projects or responsibilities, learn that it’s ok to ask for help, and always take the time for a little TLC when you need it. Then you will have the mindset and energy again to slay all the goals you have for yourself.